

History index title

Our gratitude to Mr. Raymond Reid from Ireland, for allowing us publishing in our site what to us, is the best and the most complete History of Chess available on the internet.

The King The Queen The Rook The Bishop The Knight The Pawn
The King The Queen The Rook The Bishop The Knight The Pawn
01 History of Chess
02 Brief notes on the History of Chess
03 Non- violence- the credo of Chess
04 An instrument proclaiming the dawn of a new civilization
05 Board games
06 The Greeks
07 The Vasavadatta
08 Chatrang - Chaturanga - Shatranj
09 Traditional western Chess
10 The Queen and Bishop
11 Renaissance
12 The traditional Knight
13 Caissa
14 Ruy Lopez and Philidor
15 Aron Nimzowitsch
16 The immortals
17 Chess clocks
18 Time factor
19 Level one traditional Chess - a retrospective
20 Rating
21 Centuries of progress
22 Modern board games
23 The future
24 A Chesmayne board
25 Other levels of play
26 Breath of fresh air
27 Theory of the game
28 Major and minor pieces endings
29 Chess and it’s various forms
30 Russia
31 Origins of Chess
32 Transition phase
33 Draughts
34 Marion Tinsley
35 X’s and O’s
36 Traditional Chess pieces, Staunton pattern
37 Traditional Chess set, Chesmayne pattern
38 Other boards, pieces and minor pieces
39 Chinese Chess (Xiangqu)
40 Enlargement of our Chess concept
41 Japanese Chess - Shogi
42 Shatranj
43 As - Suli
44 Aladdin (Ala’Addin at - Tabrizi)
45 Go
46 Varieties of Chess
47 Courier Board
48 Cafe de la Regence (Coffee Houses)
49 The Lewis Chessmen
50 Clarke Richard William Barnes
51 Correspondence Chess
52 Tournaments
53 Simultaneous Display - Exhibition
54 Howard Staunton
55 Claude E. Shannon
57 USA Rating
58 World Champions
59 Figurine Algebraic Notation
60 The Turk

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