
index 2001
Letter #24 -  2001

Sub:    Information about Chess
Date:   10/16/01 5:20:36 PM PDT
From:  Nealy


I am looking for some information about Chess in the 770's when the women first mention of Chess players came about.

What country was it in when this happened?

If there is any other information that you think may be helpful please let me know!

Thank you for your time,


Dear viewer,

Although in the history of Chess on our website there is text showing the year 770 as the first mention of women playing Chess, we found another reference to this topic placing it in the year 802 A.D.

It reads as follows:

Women and Chess

“The first mention of a woman chessplayer comes from an Islamic corespondence between Harun ar Rashid and Nicephorus in 802 A.D. Harun wrote that he purchased a slave girl noted for her skill at Chess.”

“The first women's tournament was organized by the Sussex Chess Association in 1884. A Chess club for lady players lasted in New York from 1894 to 1949.”

“There are five women who hold the men's Grandmaster title:  Nona Gaprindashvili, Maya Chiburdanidze, Zsuzsa Polgar, Judit Polgar, and Pia Cramling.”

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