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Letter #06 -  2002

Sub:    Chess players
Date:   2/6/02 9:52:57 AM  PST
From:  Egbert Clevrs


I should like to ask you a question about Lucas van Leyden's “The Chessplayers”, do you know in what museum this picture is located?

a. Schlossmuseum (Gotha)
b. Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam)
c. Szmvszeti Museum (Budapest)
d. Staatliche Museum (Berlin)

I need the answer for a quiz.

Thank you very much.

Greetings from Holland
Egbert Clevrs

Dear viewer,

We found the following:

Lucas van Leyden was a pioneer of the Netherlandish genre tradition, as witness his “Chess Players” at the Staatliche Museen, Berlin.

It actually represents a variant game called 'Courier' - and his Card Players (Wilton House, Wiltshire).

While his celebrated Last Judgment triptych (Lakenhal Museum, Leiden, 1526-7) shows the heights to which he could rise as a religious painter.

It eloquently displays his vivid imaginative powers, his marvelous skill as a colourist and his deft and fluid brushwork.

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