
index 2003
Letter #25 -  2003

Sub:    Update on letter #16
Date:   6/25/2003 8:53:47 AM MDT
From:  Rogger Cervera

I have been looking through the e-mails from some of your viewers and I found one that caught my attention very much.

It was the one from Mr. Ed Sandifer, he asked three questions about Euler's history. I did some research and I found the answers:

1.- There are no games recorded because nobody did annotate them.

2.- Euler's Chess teacher in Berlin around 1750 was a man of the German aristocracy, his name is unknown.

3.- The dinner guest when "conversation turned to Chess ..."?, was Euler's teacher.

I hope you can e-mail this info to Mr. Sandifer.

Rogger Cervera.

Dear viewer,

Thank you very much for your information.

We did send it to Mr. Sandifer already and it is also published in our “Read our mail” section (letter #25 - 2003).

Thank you for visiting us,

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