
index 2004
Letter #11 -  2004

Sub:    Magnificent website!
Date:   5/16/2004  00:49:01 AM MST
From:  Paulo Talho Paulino

Dear Sirs,

Congratulations for your magnificent website. It's really fabulous.

I haven't play Chess for many years, but when I started to play it again some weeks ago, I had searched for sites about Chess. Your site is one of the best (if not the best one!!).

p.s. Just a minor error:

In the page World Championships - Fischer vs. Spassky / FIDE World Championship - 1972 - Game 1:

The link for game 2 is a link for another match: Kasparov vs. Kramnik / PCA World Championship - 2000:

Great job!

Best regards,
Paulo Talhão (Portugal)

Dear viewer,

Thank you for your correction which indeed the link direction was wrong.

The error has been fixed now. (you may need to refresh your browser to reflect the change).

We appreciate your e-mail so much since it makes our site to be more accurate.

Your favorable comments about our site are very welcome!

Thank you for visiting us,

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