
index 2004
Letter #21 -  2004

Sub:    Of course!
Date:   10/12/2004 08:56:25 PM MDT
From:  roset777

Dear friends of the Chess website:

When I read the quote in your home page “...(Chess) has the power to make people happy”, I said: “Of course!”

Two years ago I met my husband through an international Chess game on the internet. I'm from Argentina and he is from Mexico and living in the United States.

We can say for sure that through Chess we found ourselves (two twin souls) and that we are together and happy... we're both 53 years old.

Rosita and Panchito.

Dear viewer,

We were thrilled with your e-mail!

This is the first time that someone write to us with a subject which reflects in a very personal way, a lovely facet of the game of Chess.

We congratulate both of you and wishing you many more years of happiness and a growing love for the game of Chess.

Thank you for visiting us,

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