
index 2005
Letter #26 -  2005

Sub:    Bishop & Knight exercises
Date:   8/11/2005 10:42:19 AM MDT
From:  JOviedo (Colombia)

Since I check your page regularly, I was greatly surprised by the mate exercises with Bishop and Knight and with two Bishops (which of course I've already tried them).

Let me express my gratitude in the name of one of the amateur players from Colombia, because this enriches us in the theoretical and practice part, from a noble discipline.

Greetings and what a great effort!

Dear viewer,

Recently, our Chess problems page went through a great deal of renovation with many problems added and all of them were changed from PGN viewer mode to interactive mode, meaning that actually you have to solve them all by yourself against the computer!

This includes mates in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 9, plus checkmates problems, endgame exercises and actual positions from grandmasters games.

Thank you for visiting us,

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