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Letter #07 -  2005

Sub:    How a Chess game ends?
Date:   2/19/2005 2:15:24 PM MST
From:  Tiranosaurio


I am new in Chess and I have some questions.

How are the clocked Chess games like?

When they end and how do we know which player won the game?

Do we look at the remaining pieces and their value is added up or by the quantity of moves played... or checks?

Greetings and keep up the good work, you really have a very nice web page.

Dear viewer,

A Chess game can end in several ways: checkmate, stalemate, draw, resigning, losing on time, etc.

The remaining pieces have nothing to do with the outcome of a won or lost game since a player can have more pieces than his opponent and still be defeated.

The quantity of played moves or quantity of checks is irrelevant in determining which player won the game.

On tournaments, a double Chess clock with two buttons is used with each player having the same amount of time to make their moves. When a player makes his move, he pushes his side button which in turn activates the opponent's clock and halts his own clock. Same applies to the opponent.

Near to the 12:00 O'clock position (in both clocks) there is a red flag which is used to visually let a player know when either time's player is up. This happens when the large clock's manor surpasses the flag and the flag drops down signaling the end of a timed game.

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