Letter #42 - 2005
Nimzovich Quote
Date: 11/20/2005 01:02:00 PM PST
From: Giancarlo Miguel Gonzales
Dear Sirs,
I congratulate you for such an interesting page which for some past days has keep me busy with its variety of data related to this great board game.
However, I like to send you a correction. In the letter 32 of year 2002, a viewer asked you for the author's of the following quote:
“The beauty of a move lies not in its appearance but in the thought behind it”, and you answered Tarrasch was the author.
It is incorrect because the real author of this quote was Nimzovich.
There must have been a mix up since the context is the following:
It happened when Nimzovich introduced to the Chess theory his well known
“Nimzoindian Defense” and Tarrasch (a utter Nimzovich enemy since he was a follower of the
classic theory while Nimzovich supported the hypermodern theory) once said such defense was
“horrible” and that's when the great Nimzovich replied back with the quote in question while adding that he considered the
“Tarrasch Defense” a very bad one.
I hope that you keep up the good work on Chess topics from a thankful cybernaut.
Giancarlo Miguel Gonzales.
Lima, Peru.
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