Letter #02 - 2005
Triangulation problem
Date: 1/16/2005 11:45:20 PM MST
From: Brittain522
Can't seem to figure out the triangulation problem at the bottom of the King and Pawn page.
Where does it show how to solve it?,
Its driving me crazy, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Dear viewer,
The answer is as follows:
1. Ka3! Kb6
2. Kb2! Ka5
3. Kb3! Kb6
4. Kc3 Ka5
5. Kd2! Ka4
6. Ke3 Kb4
7. Kd3 Ka3
8. Ke4 Ka4 (or KxP, or Kb4)
9. Kd5 Kb4
10. a4 (or a3+) KxP
11. KxP ...and white wins.
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