
index 2006
Letter #24 -  2006

Sub:    Technical difficulties with online Chess
Date:   Date: 10/25/2006 10:11:07 AM MDT
From:  Keri Fleming

I have been getting a "black space" where the pieces are supposed to be.

I can move those pieces but I just can't see them. Can you advise?

Keri Fleming

Dear viewer,

If you have played before and did not have this problem, you may need to clear your browser IE cache (Internet Options, delete files, etc.) or increase your amount of disk space for the temporary internet files in your browser settings.

Sometimes the simple fact of restarting your computer may fix this problem. If this is your first time in our site, you may have a problem with the Java adjustments in your browser.

The following link has info on this matter:

Thank you for visiting us,

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