
index 2007
Letter #08 -  2007

Sub:    64 Great games
Date:   3/02/2007 19:57:48 PM MST
From:  T. Montes


First of all, thank you for your page, it is very good indeed. Now, excuse me if I ask for too much but the truth is that I have tried to download the “64 Great Games” you have in your website with no luck and that's why I am writing to you.

I hope you can tell me how to download them or where they can be found some place else. I would really like to review them and analyze them (as much as my capacity let me) on my chessboard.

Well, I don't know your names, but again, thank you to everybody who makes this website possible.

from Puebla, Mexico!!!!

Dear viewer,

The "64 Great Games" are available to download on PGN format at the following address:

Just enter this page and scroll down almost at the very end of the list to find them.

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