
index 2007
Letter #25 -  2007

Sub:    Links exchange
Date:   8/02/2007 10:18:14 AM MST
From:  Peon ocho


First, congratulations for the good work on your website and for your common liking of the Chess game.

I'm writing you because I have started a very ambitious project to offer all fans of this wonderful sport a new Internet server for practicing and enjoy Chess with many features and is totally free.

I would like to exchange links with you to offer my viewers information about Chess since my site is mostly oriented to online game.

I hope you keep it in mind, because is mi wish to be able to contribute to Chess in any way (I am analyst programmer) and share it with people with the same goals.

I just like to send you a warm greeting and keep up the good work in your great website and the Chess diffusion.

Pablo Gonzalez

Dear viewer,

Thank you for your interest in linking to our site. Just send us a 468 x 60 pixel banner and we will gladly publish it in our links page.

Likewise, you can get any of our banners from the following page:

Thank you for visiting us,

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