
index 2007
Letter #30 -  2007

Sub:    Question regarding annotation
Date:   10/16/2007 9:26:44 AM MST
From:  Doug Dee


I am a novice Chess player trying to learn more opening moves. I am confused about the site though.

In the first opening by Ruy Lopez, the number one move is 'e4 e5'. That can't happen. Obviously I am missing something.

Can you help me out? I would love to utilize your site.

Thanks in advance.
Doug Dee

Dear viewer,

The first opening moves of Ruy Lopez are as follows:
 1. e4 - e5
 2. Nf3 - Nc6
 3. Bb5

 1. e4 - e5

 The number "1." refers to the first two moves, white & black. So, white moves his Pawn to square e4 and black moves his Pawn to square e5. When any Pawn moves as in this example, just the square where the Pawn moves to is annotated. It is not necessary to annotate it as "Pe4" for white or "Pe5" for black. This applies to all Pawns throughout the entire game.
 2. Nf3 - Nc6

The number "2." refers to the second two moves, white & black. Here, white moves "Nf3" which means his Knight moves to f3 square. The Knight is annotated by the letter "N" to avoid a repetition with the letter "K" from the King piece. Likewise, black moves "Nc6" which means his Knight moves to square c6.
 3. Bb5

The number "3." refers to the third two moves, white & black. In this example, white moves his Bishop to square b5.
 The following uppercase letters represent the pieces:
 Pawn..........(the square moved into)
 Numbers and lowercase letters are used for the board coordinates:
    a   b  c   d   e   f   g   h
 Other symbols used:
 Kingside castling.......0-0
 Queenside castling....0-0-0
 Checkmate...............++ or #
 White wins................1-0
 Black wins.................0-1
 Good move................!
 Very good move.........!!
 Bad move..................?
 Very bad move...........??
 En passant................e.p.

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