
index 2008
Letter #03 -  2008

Sub:    Browser does not support Java
Date:   1/19/2008 3:19:17 A.M. MST
James M. Gohlke

Dear Sirs:

I am unable to play Chess on your site. This browser does not support java?

Can you help me?

Yours Truly,
James M. Gohlke

Dear viewer,

You should be able to review all our java programs in our site.

Your problem is a minor adjustment you need to fix and don’t let this problem keep you away from enjoying all our Chess problems, Great games, Play Chess and many more other java applets we have for all Chess viewers to enjoy for free.

First, try to download the latest version of the Microsoft Internet Explorer. Also, (as funny as it sounds) sometimes if you turn your computer off and then on, your problem disappears.

The following link explains in great detail some other possible reasons you are not able to use java applets:

Please write us back if you found this information useful and did help you correct this matter.

Thank you for visiting us,

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