
index 2008
Letter #34 -  2008

Sub:    Chess Poster - no Pay Pal
Date:   10/29/2008 17:40:09 PM PDT
Anton Ninno

How can I buy your Chess Poster without using PayPal?

Anton Ninno
Syracuse, NY

Dear viewer,

When placing an order in our web site and after you press the Proceed to checkout button, you are sent to PayPal site to complete your transaction.

If you don't have an account with PayPal and do not wish to use PayPal credit card transaction option, simply go to the following text in this same page: “Don't have a PayPal account? Use your credit card or bank account (where available) Continue and you can pay with any credit card of your choice like Visa, Master Card, Discover, or American Express by clicking on the Continue link.

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