Letter #41 - 2008
Opening page variants
12/11/2008 04:21:29 PM EST
From: Chuck Miller
I really enjoy your site very much. The pages I like most are the Great Games, Chess Problems, and Chess
In the Openings page, you list twenty different Chess Openings and the best of it is that we, the viewers have the chance to practice them in an interactive way against the computer!
My question is this: is there a way to practice any other variant of an specific opening against the machine other than the same it always moves or answers?
Good job, keep it up
Chuck Miller
Dear viewer,
Yes, there are two ways of forcing the computer program to move in a specific way by manipulating the program settings option as follows:
1. As an example, in the Sicilian Defense (1. e4-c5) chances are if your next move is 2. Nf3, the computer will move 2. ... Nc6 which is in line with this opening. If your next move is 3. d4, in the current or default settings the computer next move may be 3. ... cxd4.
If you decide that you did not like the computer to move 3. ... cxd4 but another variant, then refresh the page, make the same moves and before your 3. d4 move, open the settings window and change the Fixed depth setting to "1" and then play your move 3. d4. This time the machine might answer with a very different move.
This computer move is a new variant and the game will take a different course. Immediatelly after the computer moves, we suggest to go back again to the settings option and revert to the original or default setting to keep a decent strengh level of play from the machine (Fixed time 10 secs (selected) and Fixed depth 5 ply).
2. Another good option is to manually enter a setup of a desired opening variant moves and start playing it against the computer. This can be done at the start by opening the settings option window and changing the Fixed depth option to "0". Doing so will set the program in a "setup" mode allowing you to move the pieces so you can build any variant opening or setup you wish.
When done with a setup (last black move) again, go back to the settings option and revert to the original or default level settings, for a decent strengh level of play from the machine (Fixed time 10 secs (selected) and Fixed depth 5 ply). Afterward, you move first and the game will continue with a newly created opening variant.
By changing settings or methods as noted above and increasing or decreasing Fixed time or Fixed depth as many times as you like, you can create unlimited opening variations and game setups to play against the computer.
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