
index 2010
Letter #40 -  2010

Sub:    Bishop vs Knight
Date:   10/04/10  03:11:00 PM EDT
From:  phoenix_012

Hi there,

Who has a greater value in a game of Chess: a Bishop or Knight?

F. Nally

Dear viewer,

Both the Bishop and the Knight have a relative value of 3 points each.

Bishops are long-range pieces. They normally outperform Knights when there is plenty of open space on the Chessboard and it is advised to play to retain your Bishops in open games. Avoid early exchanges of Bishops for Knights since Bishops are generally great supporters of all kinds of Pawn storms.

Knights are considered short-range pieces. Plan to keep your Knights in closed games because in positions with fewer open squares they often prevail. A Knight always thrives in well-protected positions and is best in attacking fixed targets since he can attack them from many different squares

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