
index 2010
Letter #33 -  2010

Sub:    Check/Checkmate
Date:   08/29/10  07:26:00 AM
Brian Dana

Are you required to call check / checkmate and is it enforced if it isn't called?

Thanks, Bj

Dear viewer,

In casual games, a checking player can say "check" when making a checking move or "checkmate" when mating the opponent's King but it is not required and is no longer done in formal games.

If you put your opponent's King on check, and you do not announce the check, and your opponent moves another piece because he did not notice the check, you must speak up and let him know he is in check.

This last move should be voided and positioned to its original place. Also, you cannot capture his King if he fails to move his King out of check by omission since it is an illegal move.

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