
index 2010
Letter #37 -  2010

Sub:    Inquietude
Wed, Sep 8, 2010 8:15 PM
Luis Horacio Franco


From the two hard to solve problems (one mate in two and the other mate in three) I did solve the mate in two, but the one in three moves I have already spent several days trying, testing all type of moves, and I haven't been able to find the solution.

I found a solution in three moves but not forced, and in four moves forced. I only request from you that verify the position for me, which in the diagram you posted is as follows:

WHITE: King in c2, Pawn in b3, Knight in b4, Bishop in f8, Pawn in g7

BLACK: King in a3, Pawn in b6

Thank you in advance,
Luis Horacio Franco B.

Dear viewer,

The position is correct:

WHITE: King in c2, Pawn in b3, Knight in b4, Bishop in f8, Pawn in g7

BLACK: King in a3, Pawn in b6

 Mate in three
White mates in 3 moves  

This Chess problem is a forced checkmate by white in three moves. Your e-mail does not ask for the solution but to only verify the position. If you want the answer, e-mail us back again and we will gladly send it to you immediately.

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