
index 2010
Letter #50 -  2010

Sub:    Inquiry about unloading games
Date:   11/24/10  04:53:03 PM EDT
From:  NR

First of all, I want to tell you the site is very interesting and that I congratulate you for the work of many years.

I wanted to ask you a few questions: I am interested in saving on my PC some games shown in your page of ‘Great Games’, but I can’t figure out how to download the pgn file or a way to copy the playlist.

I just started playing Chess, I mean, how to move the pieces and some other basic stuff that I already know, but I don’t know the next step to follow for learning, if studying openings, or the endgame, or viewing games, or yet, to read books on strategy or tactics. I would appreciate if you can tell me the most convenient option.

Thank you very much in advance, waiting for your answer.


Dear viewer,

The games in our page “Great Games” cannot be downloaded as a single pgn file. However, all these games are available in our section of pgn files.

At this pgn files page, you should find every game listed in the ‘Great Games’ page plus more that 250,000 games from most of the grand masters. All these games can be reviewed online with the LT-PGN-VIEWER.

Our advice about the next step to follow for learning, we suggest that you play Chess quite often regardless of losing or winning. Don’t worry too much when you lose some games, for every game lost will teach you something new you didn't know.

And last, study a few Chess openings. You could start with the most popular opening which is the Ruy Lopez and some of its variations.

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