
index 2010
Letter #47 -  2010

Sub:    Java program fails to solve Chess problems
Date:   11/04/10  01:22:20 PM EDT
From:  E. Palermo

Your java program fails to solve Chess problems. I was solving Chess problems mate in 1 move and I realized that there are cases where the java program fails.

White to move and mate in one move

In the above attached image, the program does not give the option to choose the piece to promote, as I needed a horse in e8, to checkmate, and instead gives me a Queen.


Dear viewer,

The Lokafoft Chess applet is a fine piece of software that features a book opening repertoire, an option to play white or black, settings for levels of play (fixed time or ply depth), won't allow illegal moves, it makes and accepts the en-passant maneuver, promotion, castling, problem setup, and it's able to find mate in 5 (default level), also recognizes check, checkmate, and stalemate.

A very minor limitation is that the applet always promotes a Pawn to a Queen when a player reaches the eight rank. This does not apply when the computer reaches the eight rank since it then promotes to whichever piece is most favorable to it.

The following example, with the same position shown above in your e-mail will show that the computer can indeed promote itself to any piece other than a Queen. This time you play black pieces and need to move Qxb2 to complete this demonstration:

refresh (internet explorer)   refresh (google chrome)

Stating that the java program fails to solve Chess problems only because it doesn't have an option to give a player the choice to promote a Pawn to another piece other than a Queen, is not very accurate.

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