
index 2010
Letter #04 -  2010

Sub:    Muslims on History of Chess
Date:   01/28/10  7:04:29 PM EDT


I am here to tell you that in your article about the History of Chess you have spelled MUSLIMS incorrectly.

I really think you should fix that before you give other people incorrect information!

Thank you very much.

Dear viewer,

The Chesmayne History of Chess section in our site is a fine work from Mr. Raymond Reid from Ireland and we believe is the best and most complete documented Chess History over the internet.

On the following pages: history_of_chess.htm, origins_of_chess.htm, and transition_phase.htm, the word Muslim is written as "Moslem" which we think you are referring to in your e-mail as: "you have spelled MUSLIMS incorrectly."

According to the Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Moslem and Muslim are basically two different spellings for the same word. But the seemingly arbitrary choice of spellings is a sensitive subject for many followers of Islam. Whereas for most English speakers, the two words are synonymous in meaning, the Arabic roots of the two words are very different.

A Muslim in Arabic means "one who gives himself to God," and is by definition, someone who adheres to Islam. By contrast, a Moslem in Arabic means "one who is evil and unjust" when the word is pronounced, as it is in English: Mozlem with a 'z'.

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