
index 2010
Letter #06 -  2010

Sub:    Wonderful!
Date:   02/12/10  5:32:21 PM EDT
From:  JH

I found your site surfing the Web for Chess sites. What a wonderful surprise! I use your site all of the time and refer it to my friends and those I teach the rudiments of Chess.

I am far from being a great player, so I need all the help I can acquire to learn myself and pass on what I learn.

I was pleased to find the solution to a King, Bishop, and Knight mate. I have a book with that in it, but have not been able to find it since our move last year.

I enjoy reading your mail. Often the questions that are asked are those I would ask or never thought to ask. Also, it reveals how many misconceptions there are about Chess and Chess laws.

I can not believe your site is FREE!

Thank you!
Sincerely, J H

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