
index 2014
Letter #08 -  2018

Sub:    Endgame position
Date:   07/15/18  02:38:51 PM EDT
From:  Julio César Pineda

I like to know if it is possible to propose the outcome of a game which was forfeited due to the absence of the opponent with the following position:

White: Kg1, Qd7, Bd6, Re5, a6, a4, g6.

Black: Kd4, Qb3, Rh8, a5, b6, h6.

White to play.

Dear viewer,

Computer analysis finds a mate in seven moves for the position you sent us:

Mate in 7
White to move and mate in 7

       1-  Qg4+   Kc3
       2-  Qf3+    Kb2
       3-  Re2+   Qc2
       4-  Qa3+   Kb1
       5-  Re1+   Qd1
       6-  Qb3+   Ka1
       7-  Be5# or RxQ#.


    1-  Qg4+   Kd3
    2-  Qf3+    Kc4
    3-  Qd5+   Kc3
    4-  Re3+   Kb2
    5-  QxQ+  Kc1
    6-  Rd3     any move
    7-  Ba3# or Rd1#.

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