
Letter #09 -  2018

Sub:    Fischer-Spassky game #6
07/23/18  11:00:15 AM EDT
From:  Daniel


I just watched the movie "Pawn Sacrifice" on the life of Bobby Fischer and at the end of the movie they wrote that game #6 of the match for the 1972 world championship was one of the greatest Chess games ever played.

Boris Spassky resigned in move 41 even that he was slightly ahead in material. Did Spassky have a chance to win if he had continued to play and make the right moves?

Thank you.

Dear viewer,

When Robert Fischer moved his Queen to f4, he had now a checkmate in 7 moves or less regardless of any move Boris Spassky could have made:

41. ... Qg8 (mate in 7 moves)  or,
41. ... Kg8 (mate in 6 moves)  or,
41. ... Kg7 (mate in 5 moves).

The game after Fischer moved 41. Qe4-f4:

To review the complete game click here.

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