
index 2014
Letter #05 -  2018

Sub:    Question about castling
Date:   04/10/18  06:29:31 AM EDT
From:  Gerardo Arellano


By means of, I tried to ask you a question, but it yielded the following error: "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING", so I'm asking you the question through other channels.

It is not clear to me if I can castle despite the position of some Pawns -I like to move the King from e1 to g1 and the Rook from h1 to f1 (castling), but my Pawns are already advanced from f2 to f3 and g2 to g3. In other words I have no Pawns barrier but the King and Rook are still on their original position.

Thank you.

Dear viewer,

Thank you for bringing to our attention the error from the Spanish "Contactenos". The page has been already fixed.

The answer to your question is that you can castle since the King and Rook are in the original position and have not moved before, the King is not under attack, there are no pieces between the Rook and the King, the process of castling will not put or land the King in check, etc.

The fact that you previously moved the f2 and g2 Pawns one square ahead won't matter at all, see the below graphic:

Pawns and Castling
White King can castle

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