
Letter #10 -  2018

Sub:    World Chess Championship 2018
08/02/18  08:11:21 AM EDT
From:  Julia

I thought you would like to know that Fabiano Caruana will play Magnus Carlsen in London in November for the World Championship!

Warm regards.

Dear viewer,

25-year-old Fabiano Caruana became the next challenger for the World Championship title after an 18-day competition in Berlin, Germany from March 10th to March 27th, 2018. He is now the first American since Robert Fischer to seek the World Chess Championship.

No other U.S. player has won the title of undisputed champion since 1972 when Bobby Fischer defeated Russian Boris Spassky in Reykjavik, Iceland. Caruana will face off reigning World Champion Magnus Carlsen of Norway in November in a 12-game one-on-one match.

You may review all the 2018 Candidates games:

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