

openings title

“Since the beginning of the sixteenth century, Chess theory has been the subject of intense investigation. The majority of this study has been dedicated to the Chess Openings. Since these opening moves will eventually determine the course of the game, it is understood that the first moves are those of greater importance.”   -- Al Horowitz & Fred Reinfeld

Openings list

Ruy Lopez

Pirc Defense

Giuoco Piano

King’s Gambit

Reti Opening

Dutch Defense

Evans Gambit

Benoni Defense

Queen’s Gambit

Sicilian Defense

French Defense

Catalan Opening

English Opening

Tarrasch Defense

Alekhine Defense

Gruenfeld Defense

Nimzovich  Defense

Caro-Kann Defense

Nimzoindian Defense

King’s Indian Defense

3,300 +  Chess Openings to review on a PGN viewer

Opening files

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