
index 2003
Letter #03 -  2003

Sub:    Russian Chess piece names
Date:   1/13/2003 1:30:23 AM MST
From:  nigde

On your pages about pieces in the history of Chess section, I have found that you have Russian words done in a strange ways.

What you have is an attempt to write Russian words using Latin characters, but instead of doing this phonetically you are trying to reproduce words visually.

This is very confusing since the result doesn't read same as Russian word sounds, and doesn't exactly look the same.

Since most modern browsers recognize Unicode and correctly render non-Latin fonts, here are the Russian words in questions with translations and phonetic transcriptions.

If your e-mail client doesn't render the fonts correctly, switch the encoding to Russian KOI8-R encoding scheme.

English         Russian         Phonetic

Chess           ûÁÈÍÁÔÙ       Shahmati
King              ëÏÒÏÌØ            Korol'
Queen           æÅÒÚØ        Ferz'
Rook             ìÁÄØÑ           Lad'ya (literal translation - boat (archaism))
Bishop           óÌÏΠ               Slon  (literal translation - elephant)
Knight           ëÏÎØ               Kon'  (literal translation - horse/stallion)
Pawn            ðÅÛËÁ          Peshka

Hope this helps.
Great site.

Dear viewer,

Thank you very much for your input.

We've already updated our pages with your information.

We surely appreciate your correction.

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